Condition Anatomy
Field | Description | Notes |
condition_id | This is a system column and should not be edited or modified. Any new conditions added should leave this column blank. | Do not modify this column or add any data to it. |
name | This field allows for naming the condition. While this field is optional, it can make identifying the conditions easier when adding to a case or reviewing the conditions on a case. | This field is optional. |
long_description | This is main condition text. This field should contain all the information relating to this specific condition. | Variables can be used in the long description to pull in available case data from the case the condition is attached to. |
short_description | This field is available for future expansion and is not currently used | This field is optional. |
public_description | If Show on Portal is set to yes, this fields content will be displayed on the portal. If this field is blank, then the contents of Long Description will be used | This field is optional. |
resolution_action | Internal notes, tasks or details to assist the user to know what steps should be taken when resolving this condition. This field data is internal only and will never be displayed on the portal or conditions notice. | This field is optional. |
condition_group_name | The group this condition belongs to. This is used for filtering and finding conditions when adding them to a case | The condition group must exist in the system prior to import. |
severity_name | The severity of the condition | Available options:
condition_type | The condition type allows further classification of conditions and is used for additional filtering and finding conditions when adding them to a case | The condition type must exist in the system prior to import. |
enabled | Determines if the condition is enabled. If not enabled, the condition will not be available to assign to any cases. If the condition is already assigned to a case, making it disabled will not remove it from the case | Valid values are:
inheritable | Determines if the condition inherits to other cases when cases are linked to this case | Valid values are:
show_in_notice | Determines if this condition is shown in the Condition Notice. | Valid values are:
display_on_portal | Determines if this status is displayed on the Public Portal. | Valid values are:
additional_info | Allows for the setting of any generic notes or details relating to the condition. | This field is optional |
| Sets the rule type to be enforced when this condition is added to a case | Current Options:
applies_on_add | Determines if the condition timing/restriction is applicable when the condition is originally added to a case | Valid values are:
applies_on_inherit | Determines if the condition applies to a case when inherited.
| Valid values are:
sort | The order in which the condition should show on the case and notice(if set to show). |