Data not inherited

The following data from a condition is not inherited when a case links to it

  • The condition status

    • An inherited condition will always have an initial status of “Applied”, regardless of the status of the condition that is being inherited.

  • The inheritable flag

    • When a condition is inherited, the inheritable flag will always be set to “No”. This is to prevent conditions from being inherited again if another case was to link to the current case. The flag can be edited and set back to “Yes”, but by default, inherited conditions are not intended to be inherited again to another case.

  • Selected Inspections

    • If the condition is a “Prevent Inspection” severity, the selected inspections will not be inherited to any other case. Rather, by default, the system will attempt to select any inspections labeled as “Final”. This can be changed as needed on the edit dialog.

While inherited conditions start out with the data from the case it inherited it from, updates to the original case condition or the inherited condition do not affect each other. The conditions will behave independently once inherited.