Review Mode

Available as of version 6.3.8

Review mode adds the ability for users to easily navigate from one task to the next without needing to use the Data Grid or Dashboards currently available.

When the review mode is activated, a bar will be added to the base of most pages in MAGNET. This bar will stay visible while the user navigates and works on their tasks. When a task is completed, the user will be able to click on the "Next" button to move to the next uncompleted task.

The tasks for the Review Mode are based on the current MAGNET tasks available in the To Do widget on the MAGNET Dashboard. Manually added To Do items are not included in the Review Mode and will be ignored.

If at anytime, the user would like to remove the bottom bar, the user can click on the "Exit Review Mode" link.


When the feature is enabled, a new button will be added to the MAGNET Dashboard page allowing for the user to enter the "Review Mode". Once this button is clicked, the user will receive an alert containing basic information detailing the functionality. Once Start is clicked, the system will navigate to the first task in the list and add the review bar to the bottom of the screen.

The review bar will always be visible on most pages of MAGNET while in review mode. At anytime the user will be able to click on the "Next" button to move to the next incomplete task.

Review mode enabled on dashboard

Confirmation upon clicking on Review Mode button

The Review Bar at the base of the page


The remaining items count is based on the number of eligible incomplete items at the time the page was loaded. This number may increase or decrease throughout the Review Mode if items are added or removed to the To Do list.