

The MAGNET mapping module allows for the visualization of your Parcels and their related information, as well as layers and details from your GIS data.

Mapping Controls

This section reviews the main available controls found on the Mapping module.

Above, we have highlighted the three primary mapping controls, from left to right:

  • Map Controls

  • Address Search

  • Selection and Layer tools

Map Controls

The Map Controls on the left side of the map provide general map and drawing functionalities.

Zoom Controls
The + and - zoom controls allow for zooming in or out of the map. (This can also be done with your mouse wheel.)

The bottom zoom control option shown allows for zooming to a specific area on the map.

General Controls

The Reset control allows for easily resetting the map back to its original state.

Drawing Controls

  • Polyline Tool

    • Allows drawing a straight line to select parcels or measure distances.

  • Polygon

    • Allows drawing a polygon to select parcels within the shape.

  • Rectangle

    • Allows drawing a rectangle to select parcels within the shape.

  • Circle

    • Allows drawing a circle to select parcels within the shape.

  • Marker

    • Allows for dropping a visual pin on the map to mark locations or select parcels.

  • Delete

    • Allows for removing drawings on the map.


Selection and Layer Tools


Export Map

Allows for the exporting of the current map view or if on a case and utilizing the Map It tab, the export can be attached to the current case.


Parcel Details

Shows or hides the parcel details dialog.

This option is only available if a parcel has been selected.


Selection List

Shows or hides the selection list containing any parcels that have been added to the selection list.


Manage User Drawings

Allows the user to save or retrieve map drawings. This allows for the saving of any shapes, lines, etc. that have been drawn on the map to be saved and later retrieved and re-displayed on the map.


Save Layer Selection

This option allows you to set the default layers that should be shown or hidden when opening the map. This can be useful if you normally utilize certain layers and do not want to have to turn them on each time the map is utilized.

The default layers shown are controlled from the main mapping module. Any defaults set will also be shown in the Map It tabs throughout the product.


Manage Layers

Allows the selection of which layers should be turned on or off for viewing on the map.

Layers turned on or off will be reset when leaving the map, unless the selected layers are saved using the Save Layer Selection option.

Address Search

The Address Search bar allows for the searching for parcels by address or Tax ID(APN/PIN). The search bar will suggest possible matches based on the data entered.

Selecting an address from the list will zoom you into the parcel selected.

Parcel Details

When a parcel is selected on the map, a window will appear labeled Parcel Details. Going left to right, the following options are available:

Goto Parcel

Recenters and zooms the map to focus on the selected parcel.

Perform Action

Provides a drop-down selection of actions that can be performed on this parcel while in the Mapping module. Among these selections may be the following:

  • Add to Selection List

    • Manually add this parcel to your selection list.

  • Create New Selection List

    • Using this parcel, clear previous selection list to create a brand new one.

  • Add Case

    • Allows you to create cases on the selected parcel from the Mapping module.

  • Convert to Polygon

    • Allows you to add a custom buffer radius to the parcel using feet, yards, or meters.


Allows you to view attached files from the cases on the parcel.

Perform an Action

Once a parcel is selected, in the “Perform Action” tab, you should see the following options:

  • Add to Selection List

    • This will add the selected parcel to a list of properties, allowing you to individually select parcels and add them as needed.

  • Create New Selection List

    • This will clear any properties from an existing selection list, if applicable, and begin a brand-new list beginning with the selected parcel.

  • Convert to Polygon

    • This will prompt the MAGNET user to enter a measurement of feet, yards, or meters to add a buffer radius centered on the selected parcel. Once a measurement is entered, press “Convert” and the custom buffer radius should appear over the selected parcel.

Once the buffer radius has been created and appears on the map, you can click it to pop up the “Polygon Selection” window. In this window, the following options are available:

  • Add to Selection List

    • This will add all parcels that fall within the created buffer radius to the existing selection list.

  • Create New Selection List

    • This will clear any properties from the existing selection list and begin a new selection list consisting of the parcels that fall within the created buffer radius.

  • Toggle Editing

    • This option adds multiple points along the border of the buffer radius. These points can be clicked and dragged to modify the shape of the buffer radius to include or exclude parcels as needed.

  • Delete Polygon

    • This will delete the buffer radius from the map.

Selection List

When at least one parcel has been added to the selection list, a window will appear on the top left-hand side listing the parcels in the “Selection List”.

Managing Selected Parcels

Parcels can be removed individually from the selection list by clicking the parcel on the list. From the Perform Action dropdown menu in the selection list, the option “Clear List” will remove all parcels currently listed.

Mailing Labels

From the “Select Action…” menu, “Generate Mailing Labels” will gather all available contacts within the selected parcels. It should prompt the MAGNET User to select from the available contact types, then generate a document with mailing labels for each unique contact on the selected parcels based on the selected contact types. For more information on mailing labels, see .