Doing an Inspection

Opening an Inspection

Tap on the inspection you would like to work on.

This will bring up the inspection options:

  • Directions
    • Will provide directions to the inspections (if the inspection has needed address information).
  • On My Way
    • Send a notice to the applicant to let them know that you are heading out for the inspection.
  • Schedule
    • Allows for the rescheduling of the inspection.
  • Open
    • Opens the inspection.

Click the "Open" button to go into the inspection.

This will take you to the "Inspection View".

Entering Inspection Details

The main page of the Inspection View is the "Inspect Tab". On this tab, you can make any needed comments or issues relating to the inspection and take photos relating to the comment or issue.

If you take a picture, it must have a comment associated with it.

Completing an Inspection

Once you typed up all of your comments, you can click the "Complete Inspection" button.

Clicking the "Complete Inspection" button will allow you to set the applicable status for the inspection.

For this situation, we'll approve the inspection. Click on the "Approved" option and a popup will come up.

This screen allows you to select if a reinspection is required, as well as select any case contacts (or manually add a recipient) to send the inspection notification to.

After tapping Submit, the inspection has been completed (in this case it was approved) with the results being recorded. The application will now return to the main screen and the inspection will show the result indicated.