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This documentation details the administration portion of conditions. For documentation on managing conditions on a case go here


Case Conditions allow for creating conditions that can be used throughout the MAGNET system, by assigning the conditions to cases as needed.

Conditions can allow for easier generation of needed “Standard Conditions” documents, as well as prevent users from taking actions on cases(Issuing, Scheduling Inspections, Issuing COO Documents) until required conditions have been completed.

This documentation outlines the administration of available conditions in your MAGNET system. All conditions are completely controlled by your municipality through the MAGNET Admin Panel.

You must have permission to access the MAGNET Admin Panel to be able to manage conditions. If you do not have access to the Admin Panel, please contact your department manager or the person responsible for requesting user permissions, to get access.

To manage conditions in the MAGNET Admin Panel, select the “Manage Conditions” option from the Admin Panel home page

After selecting this option, you will be taken to the Conditions Overview table. This table will list out all currently available conditions in the system as well as allow for the importing of new/updated conditions, updating of singular conditions, as well as the managing of condition groups and types.

Managing Conditions

Adding conditions is done through the Conditions import. Once conditions have been added to the system, they can either be updated by exporting the conditions, then importing the changes or by making changes to conditions, one by one from the main Conditions Overview table. Before importing conditions, the Groups and Types must be configured or the import will be rejected.


Updating conditions in the admin panel does not affect conditions already added to a case. Once conditions are added to a case, they will not be affected by any changes made to the main condition. Nor will changes on the case condition affect the main condition.

Adding/Updating Groups and Types

To manage the available groups and types, choose “Manage Groups/Types” from the Conditions Overview table. Any currently available groups will be shown under the “Manage Groups” header and available types will be shown under the “Manage Types” header.

To add a new group or type, click on the green plus icon near the Manage Groups or Types header, enter the name of the new group or type, then select “Add”.

Disabling Groups/Types

Once a group or type is created, it can not be deleted or edited. If you want to make a a group or type unavailable, click on the black lock icon next to the group or types name. This will disable the group or type and make it unavailable on future imports.

Disabling a Group or Type does not affect any existing conditions. They will still be available and usable on any cases in the system. This will just prevent the import from accepting the disabled group or type as a valid item in future imports.

Enabling Groups/Types

If a disabled group or type is needed again, choose the Disabled Types or Disabled Groups tab on the Manage Groups/Types page to show all types or groups that have been disabled. Click on the grey lock icon to re-enable the item.

Importing Conditions

Before importing conditions, be sure that all the entered Groups and Types in the CSV file have been added to the system or you will receive errors for invalid groups/types.

The condition import serves two purposes. First, it is used to add any new conditions to the MAGNET system. Second, it is used to allow for updating any existing conditions in the system.

For either action, you will first need to download the MAGNET Conditions CSV file. This can be downloaded by clicking on the “Export Conditions” button on the Conditions Overview table screen. This will generate a file called “export_{datecode}” (Datecode is a numerical representation of the current date).

If there are already conditions in the MAGNET system, these will be included in the export, otherwise, a blank template with headers will be provided.

Adding Conditions

The table below provides details of the information that should be entered into each column of the spreadsheet. Each row in the file represents a separate condition that will be imported into the system.

The “condition_id” column should never be modified. Do not enter any numbers or data into this column or modify any numbers that are in the column.

Updating Conditions

Once conditions are already in the system, the same process for exporting the conditions should be used to update conditions. Any condition already in the system will be included in the exported file, where you can change any needed details before uploading the modified file.

You can also add new conditions to the file at the same time you are updating other conditions.

The system uses the “condition_id” column to determine which conditions are new and which ones should be updated. This column should not be modified!

Condition Template

The table below details the columns and expected data for the CSV file generated by clicking the “Export Conditions” option from the main Conditions Overview table.





This is a system column and should not be edited or modified.

Any new conditions added should leave this column blank.

Do not modify this column or add any data to it.


This field allows for naming the condition. While this field is optional, it can make identifying the conditions easier when adding to a case or reviewing the conditions on a case.

This field is optional.


This is main condition text. This field should contain all the information relating to this specific condition.

Variables can be used in the long description to pull in available case data from the case the condition is attached to.


This field is available for future expansion and is not currently used

This field is optional.


If Show on Portal is set to yes, this fields content will be displayed on the portal. If this field is blank, then the contents of Long Description will be used

This field is optional.


Internal notes, tasks or details to assist the user to know what steps should be taken when resolving this condition.

This field data is internal only and will never be displayed on the portal or conditions notice.

This field is optional.


The group this condition belongs to. This is used for filtering and finding conditions when adding them to a case

The condition group must exist in the system prior to import.


The severity of the condition

Available options:

  • Required

    • If a condition is set as required, it indicates the flag must be completed in order to satisfy the rules attached to the condition. Such as prevent case issuance, etc. Conditions with this flag must have a rule attached.

  • General

    • A general flag is the default flag level and it denotes a standard condition that has no special attributes


The condition type allows further classification of conditions and is used for additional filtering and finding conditions when adding them to a case

The condition type must exist in the system prior to import.


Determines if the condition is enabled. If not enabled, the condition will not be available to assign to any cases.

If the condition is already assigned to a case, making it disabled will not remove it from the case

Valid values are:

  • t

    • Condition is enabled

  • f

    • Condition is disabled


Determines if the condition inherits to other cases when cases are linked to this case

Valid values are:

  • t

    • The condition is inheritable

  • f

    • The condition is not inheritable


Determines if this condition is shown in the Condition Notice.

Valid values are:

  • t

    • This condition will be displayed in the conditions notice document

  • f

    • This condition will not be shown in the conditions notice document


Determines if this status is displayed on the Public Portal.

This option is available for future use. Flags do not currently show on the portal, but will be made available in a later portal version.

Valid values are:

  • t

    • This condition will be displayed on the portal

  • f

    • This condition will not be displayed on the portal


Allows for the setting of any generic notes or details relating to the condition.

This field data is internal only and will never be displayed on the portal or conditions notice

This field is optional


Timing type is also commonly referred to as “Rule Type”

Sets the rule type to be enforced when this condition is added to a case

Current Options:

  • case

    • Prevent Case Issuance

      If selected, the case can not be issued until this condition is completed

  • coo

    • Certificate of Occupancy

      If selected, the Certificate of Occupancy document can not be generated until this condition is completed

  • inspection

    • Final Inspection

      Prevents the scheduling of the final inspection(Inspections called "Final"), until this condition is completed


Determines if the condition timing/restriction is applicable when the condition is originally added to a case

This only applies to conditions that have a severity of required.

When a condition is required either applies_on_add or applies_on_inherit must be “t”

Both applies_on_add and applies_on_inherit can be set to “t”. This will make the condition apply on both initial add and inherit

Valid values are:

  • t

    • This condition will be enforced on the condition when added

  • f

    • This condition will not be enforced on the condition when initially added


Determines if the condition applies to a case when inherited.

This only applies to conditions that have a severity of required.

When a condition is required either applies_on_add or applies_on_inherit must be “t”

Both applies_on_add and applies_on_inherit can be set to “t”. This will make the condition apply on both initial add and inherit

Valid values are:

  • t

    • This condition will be enforced when inherited to a case

  • f

    • This condition will not be enforced when inherited to a case


The order in which the condition should show on the case and notice(if set to show).

Conditions Variables

The conditions description supports the use of variables. Variables allow for the condition to pull information directly from the case it is applied on, to prevent the need to manually update case data on each condition.

The variables will only show on the edit screen or in the admin panel. When viewing conditions on a case, the variables will be replaced with the case data or will be blank if the data is not available.

Below is the list of commonly used variables that are available in Permitting, Planning or Public Works.


Case Data


The “Case Number” from the case.


The issued permit number from the case

While this may be called Permit Number, Planning Number, etc. The variable used is %%permit_number%% across all sections


The “Case Type”, “Permit Type” or “Application Type” from the case


The “Subcase” from the case


The “Project Description” from the case


The date the case was issued


The expiration date of the case


The current status of the case


The submittal date from the case


The Case Name from the case


The Project Name from the case


The address currently assigned to the case

Importing Conditions CSV

After adding or making the needed changes to the conditions in the CSV file, select “Import Conditions” from the main Conditions Overview table. The import screen will allow you to select the CSV file from your computer and upload it for processing.

The system will first validate the data in the import file and display any errors encountered(if applicable). The errors will detail the problem as well as the line in the file that caused the error.

If no errors are found, the system will process the file and add or update the conditions as needed.

Do not navigate away from the processing screen or close your browser window while the import is processing.

Once the import is complete, you will get a complete notification and the import changes will have been applied.

Editing Single Conditions

When only updating a few conditions, or if you prefer not to use the import function to update conditions, you can select individual conditions to edit from the main Conditions Overview table.

To edit a single condition, use the table to find the condition that should be updated, then click the edit icon in the “Options” column of the table.

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