The Summary Report module if enabled, will be shown on the Manage Notifications screen, after selecting the main Manage Notifications module
Table of Contents
Summary Report Grid
After clicking on this option, a list of currently configured(if any) report notifications will be displayed
Column Definitions
Column Label | Description |
Title | This column shows the title of the report. This title will also be used as the subject of the email when this notification is sent. |
Content | This column details the type of content that will be included in the email
Enabled |
Interval | The interval in which this report will be sent out at.
Occurrence | The occurrence based on the selected Interval that this report will sent at.
Last Sent | The date this report was last sent |
Created By | The user that created this notification |
Send to | The users that receive this notification |
Creating a notification
To create a notification, click on the Create Notification button
This will take you to the notification creation screen
Users Data
This section allows for specifying which users tasks should be included in the report.
Simply being typing in the highlighted field to get a suggestion of users.
Click on the user to add them to the list. You may add as many users as needed
After selecting the user, they will be shown in the list to the right
You can click on the red X if you need to remove a user after adding them.
Notification Frequency
This portion sets how often the report should be sent and the data that is included
The Weekly option will send the notification once per week on the day selected.
This report will include any upcoming tasks in the next 7 days from when the report is sent as well as any tasks that are past due
The monthly option will send the notification once every number of months entered into the Every ____ Months field.
This report will include any upcoming tasks in the next 30 days from when the report is sent as well as any tasks that are past due
The monthly option will send the notification once every number of days entered into the Every ____ Days field.
This report will include any tasks due on the day sent as well as any tasks that are past due
When a new report is configured and saved, the report will be initially sent within a few minutes of creation. This is to start the interval process. After the first email is received, another one will not be sent until the specified interval.
This portion sets to whom the notification will be sent to.
This option will send one email to each of the users selected in the Users Data section showing only their work based on the interval settings
The summary option will send a single email to any users selected in the user field to the right. This field is used exactly the same as the Users Data field, where you can search for and select any number of users to receive the notification.
The report will include a summary of all users tasks that were selected in the Users Data section.
Only the selected users will receive the summary report. The users selected in the Users Data portion will not receive the email unless they are also selected in the Type
Additional Details
This portion allows for setting additional details or configuration for the notification
The subject of the email
This is the report title and will be used as the subject line in the email sent
If this notification is enabled
This notification will be sent base don the configured interval
This notification will not be sent
Save Notification
Click the Save button in the top right to create the new notification.
Edit a notification
Click the Edit button as highlighted above to edit an existing notification.
The edit screen is identical to the creation screen, and the creation screen documentation should be referenced for further information on the available options.